Resume Map - Alys Wall

Resume Map - Alys Wall


Alys Wall

Geospatial Analyst

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +617 40000 157

Location: PO Box 8366 Bargara, QLD 4670

Summary: Experienced GIS/Spatial Scientist and Project Manager specialising in managing GIS, technical, infrastructure, and water-related projects with multi-million dollar budgets. Strong skills in geodatabase design, data cleansing, GIS analysis, cloud / web integration and cartographic map production. AIPM Certified Project Manager with over 25+ years of experience across industry, spatial science, remote sensing, planning, natural resource management, database management and integration in the private and public sectors. Work Samples: Maps: Presentations: Writing: Publications Project Management

Work Experience

GIS People

Position: Senior Geospatial Analyst

Duration: 5 months

Summary: Geographic Information Systems, project management, technical support - assigned to short and long term contracts for private and government clients. Sectors: water, asset management, infrastructure and development, planning, policy, business strategy, natural resource management, spatial science, IT Services, policy & regulations.

Location: Bargara, Queensland, Australia

Alluvium Group

Position: Senior Environmental Consultant (casual)

Duration: 1 years

Summary: Consultant providing support for environmental and GIS projects across the water, planning, infrastructure, transportation and alternate energy projects. Designed online/live QGIS course for EcoFutures team and developing urban landuse GIS models from satellite imagery. Work Samples: Maps Presentations Project Management Publications Writing

Location: Brisbane and Bargara, Queensland

TerraScene Pty Ltd

Position: Executive Director

Duration: 3 years 5 months

Summary: TerraScene delivers 360° immersion when ever you want from where ever you are. We capture 360° virtual reality photos, the what and where as if you are there. TerraScene offers fast, reliable 360° digital photo services across Australia. We have the specialised experience to provide custom 360° panoramic images processed within 24 hours and published directly to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to your specifications. TerraScene offers fast, reliable 360° virtual reality photos with convenient viewing from your desktop, phone or tablet. We deliver comprehensive, interactive visual surveys for effective, immersive advertising or for viewing assets, experiences and projects using state-of-the-art 360° camera systems. Our services include data capture by car, foot or bike, all image processing, and includes publishing a web map to Amazon Cloud Services, or an offline player.

Location: Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia

Cairns Regional Council

Position: Team Leader GIS

Duration: 10 months

Summary: GIS Team Leader contract to implement Cairns City Council's Geospatial Strategy and provide leadership to bring together a combined the GIS team into the Information Services Group. Accomplishments: managed the talented GIS team to build core skills and improve spatial systems, data and GIS services.

Location: Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia

Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

Position: Senior Data Analyst

Duration: 1 years 3 months

Summary: Contract position with the Northern Australian Quarantine Strategy to coordinate and improve GIS systems to collect, analyse and report on biosecurity surveillance information across northern Australia. Produced the 'Better Data Strategic Plan 2017-2019 (June 2017)' executive summary excerpt: "The objective of the project is to improve accessibility and use of biosecurity data in Northern Australia by investing access to historic surveillance and capability to analyse and report on biosecurity information."

Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Brisbane City Council

Position: Spatial Services Manager

Duration: 2 years

Summary: As Spatial Services Manager at Brisbane City Council I led a diverse team of 25 staff. I directed planning and risk assessment for a paradigm shift of technology – the move from on premise data servers and software to cloud computing. Working through the transition has been very challenging and the team has had to work closely with IT. As part of the transition, I re-organised the team into 3 functional groups: data quality, data integration and customer service. Although the change increased training needs in the short term, it added clarity and focus to work roles, improved team morale and meeting work deadlines increased significantly. Responsibilities: • Developed strategies to improve spatial information services for Council and Brisbane customers • Managed spatial technology team of 25 to support information, products and services • Established, maintained and modelled collaborative business relationships with customers, suppliers and stakeholders. • Developed and analysed customer service surveys to implement workflow continuous improvement • Tracked team change strategies per realignment plan Delivered: • Collaborative engagement with all Divisions in Council through surveys, interviews and meetings • Designed and launched internal Council Spatial Users Group, chaired 7 meetings with 20 to 30 staff in attendance • Initiated, developed and organised successful GIS Training Summit: over BCC 200 staff attended 19 presentations from industry and internal GIS professionals covering everything from Smart Cities, developing web apps and drones for data collection. • Key innovation planner for transition of web mapping services to cloud computing Awarded Lord Mayors' Awards for Excellence, Divisional Manager's Commendation to the Spatial Information Services Team for excellence in the field of Working Together (September 2016)

Location: Brisbane, Australia

National Water Commission

Position: Manager

Duration: 1 years 1 month

Summary: Role: Senior Manager Program: Planning and Evaluation Group Delivered: - Environmental water project integration with Triennial Assessment and Water Plan Report Card - GIS analysis, cartography and quantitative data management for monitoring and evaluation with liaison across multiple projects in organisation and externally - Reviewed internal GIS systems, surveyed staff and completed GIS Startegy: 'Options Paper and Proposal to Develop NWC Internal Spatial Capability' - project plan for Environmental Water Management Report - developed membership and contracts for Environmental Water Expert Panel

Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Position: Theme Coordinator

Duration: 7 months

Summary: Role: Theme Coordinator - November 2012 to June 2013. (returned to MDBA to assist in closing down Natural Resource Management Project: Sustainable Rivers Audit Program: Sustainable Rivers Audit (Fish, Macroinvertebrates, Hydrology, Vegetation, and Physical Form) Delivered: project closure activities (SRA Report 2 released December 2012) - Jurisdiction presentations on SRA imagery and LiDAR data - Designed and developed legacy spatial data products and coordinate program legacy state visits - Prepared web map implementation data with MDBA science editor - Delivered on time and within budget by June 2013 program closure

Location: Sustainable Rivers Audit

Bureau of Meteorology

Position: National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) Project Manager

Duration: 2 years

Summary: Role: Project Manager, National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) - November 2010 to November 2012 (secondment for 2-year, fixed term $2.3 National Water Commission sponsored project) Project: NGIS Phase 2, National Aquifer Framework, National Aquifer Framework, and the Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Atlas (GDE Atlas) projects. Developed and Implemented a National Groundwater Information System in Australia. Delivered: - Review of national and international standards - Developed plan to integrate state-based groundwater data into a standardised, national database including database schema development and testing, quality control, and data uploading procedures - Oversaw database design and integration for foundation groundwater datasets and ensured compatibility with Bureau spatial data and web systems - Reported on NGIS progress to Bureau Leadership Team and contributed to SEWPAC briefings including the Windsor Review - Managed two team members: IT/web Technical Director and Senior Hydrogeologist - Implemented project through targeted communication with Commonwealth, jurisdiction, and industry stakeholders through panels, routine meetings and ongoing engagement - Developed project budget, risk assessment, quality assurance, data analysis, communication and reports to management - Managed external contractors for the National Aquifer Framework and GDE Atlas projects - Developed long term strategic plans and recommended policy directions for NGIS and the GDE Atlas projects through FY14/15 including projected risks and costs - National Aquifer Framework consultation, procurement and completion - Live hosting on Bureau website of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Atlas - All aspects of the NGIS Project was delivered on time and within budget in June 2012

Location: Canberra

Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Position: Sustainable Rivers Audit - Vegetation and Physical Form Coordinator

Duration: 2 years

Summary: Role: Coordinator, Physical Form and Vegetation Themes- November 2008 to November 2010 (hired to manage $5.5 million LiDAR and Remote Sensing Project) Program: Coordinate riverine geomorphology and vegetation themes for MDBA program Delivered: - Managed program development and data collection for vegetation status and stream erosion - Developed a project plan to deliver vegetation and river channel geomorphology metrics using LIDAR and aerial imagery. - Developed elevation models including QA/QC and data integration protocols - Supervised two technical staff and overall project of six people - Administered procurement and tendering for over $6million budget including specification development, and all phases of project management - Managed risk assessment multiple project delays due to negative weather impacts and was able to catch up to expected timelines - Developed key stakeholder relationships with contractors and state and commonwealth agencies - Completed LiDAR and Aerial Imagery data acquisition, and automation of geomorphology and vegetation measurements for 1600 sites across the Murray-Darling Basin: Sampling Channel Form and Riparian Vegetation Across the Murray-Darling Basin Using Full Wave Form LIDAR. - All aspects delivered on time and within budget by August 2010

Location: Canberra

Queensland Government

Position: Senior Spatial Analyst

Duration: 1 years 10 months

Summary: Role: Senior Project Officer – GIS, February 2007 to November 2008. GIS Coordinator for Far North Queensland 2025 Regional Plan (hired to complete draft FNQ Plan GIS modelling and spatial analysis) Project: Far North Queensland 2025 Regional Plan Delivered: - GIS project management, data conversion, development, archiving, data share coordination, statistical analysis and coordination of spatial statistics - GIS for regional planning, spatial and scenario model development - Cartographic design for publication - Created maps/graphics for team presentations, and project coordination - Participated and presented information in advisory panels, technical working groups and workshops for infrastructure, agriculture, climate, biodiversity, environmental policy and planning urban settlement patterns - Liaised with federal, state and local government managers and their GIS staff - Integrated multiple sources of information to develop planning results (Australian Bureau of Statistics, Queensland Government Planning, Mineral, Resources, Infrastructure and Environment Departments) - Compiled GIS data layers for public and internal web sites for the FNQ Regional Plan - Developed GIS and image database layers, spatial data standards and project scope development - Coordinated spatial data acquisition, conversion, and digital and statutory map production - Designed scenario analysis process for comparing different options for social, economic and environmental impacts using cadastre database as basemap - All aspects delivered within project deadline for statutory regulations to take effect

Location: Cairns, Queensland

Cairns Water

Position: Senior GIS Officer

Duration: 1 years 5 months

Summary: Role: Senior GIS Officer, January 2006 to February 2007. Project: Cairns Water GIS support, corporate asset management conversion, (hired to research and develop Cairns Water Spatial Data Policy Strategy to plan and implement asset management and spatial data needs through 2016) . Delivered: - Project Manager for corporate spatial database, GIS and CAD integration - Liaise with planning GIS staff for cadastre database integration of As Built CAD files - Developed Mobile Mapping system, and GPS base station for Operations - Reviewed and implemented GIS for Asset Management Projects - GIS map production, cadastre graphic upgrade - Spatial analysis of water quality, systems mapping of water and sewer infrastructure - Trained staff in GIS, GPS and field methods for collecting spatial data - Chaired meetings across the organization to collect information for a GIS needs assessment - Presented the Cairns Water Spatial Data Strategy to the Cairns Water CEO, managers, engineers, technical staff, operations staff and field crews - Updated reticulated water and sewer system data as engineering drawings as received - completed Oracle spatial database project valued at $750,000 - Integrated spatial data with for Cairns Water major infrastructure assets - Developed an asset management plan - Provided model data for elevation model, hydraulic integrity and systems planning of water network - Developed interface, analysis, and integration of GIS database and strategic planning. - All projects and sub-projects delivered on time and within budget.

Location: Cairns, Queensland


Position: GIS Consultant / Research Associate

Duration: 1 years 2 months

Summary: Developed GIS policy and program for nonprofit Wildlife Research Institute. Researched state-of-the-art GIS analysis, cartography, geodatabase design, software and hardware installation for wildlife databases. Staff GIS/GPS integration, training and consulting. Report map and graphics production, cartographic quality control and standards.

Location: San Diego, California, United States

San Diego City College

Position: Adjunct Geography Professor

Duration: 1 years 5 months

Summary: Taught Physical, Cultural, Regional Geography courses. Lecture and lab instruction for 20 to 40 students per semester. Role model and leader for students. Developed proposal for 2-year GIS program including GIS integration into other disciplines (archaeology, criminal justice, geology, biology, sociology).

Location: San Diego, California, United States


Position: GIS/Graphics Manager

Duration: 3 years 8 months

Summary: Managed cartography/GIS/graphics production for environmental consulting office of 70, international company of 700. Developed spatial policy and strategy. Managed staff of seven and over 2000 GIS work requests per year. Developed GIS environmental models and statistical applications. Taught overview of GIS to staff. Mentored and trained staff in environmental statistics and analysis, GIS modelling and cartographic design for urban planning. GIS lead on projects involving archaeology, biology, sensitive species, transportation, cartographic standards. Developed GIS Strategic Goals for San Diego Office. Contributed and evaluated company-wide GIS standards. Coordinated company participation in international ESRI conference.

Location: San Diego, California, United States


Penn State University

Area of Study: Geography

Study Type: M.S.

Completed: 1998

University of Hawaii at Hilo

Area of Study: Geography, Business, Environmental Studies

Study Type: Bachelor's Degree

Completed: 1995

Score: Honours

Hawaii Community College

Area of Study: Electricity

Study Type: Associate of Arts and Sciences - AAS

Score: 3.9

Volunteer Experience

Mulgrave Landcare and Catchment Group

Position: 360 panorama photography

Duration: 4 years 6 months

TerraScene Ltd Pty has completed pro bono work for the Mulgrave Catchment wetland redevelopment project on former sugar cane land south of Cairns. We did a data capture in early October 2019 of young tree growth and pre-construction documentation of the area earmarked for wetland creation. To view TerraScene’s pro bono work to document and support Mulgrave Landcare’s Wetland Project go to:


Mayor's Awards for Excellence - Brisbane City Council

Awarded By: Divisional Manager's Commendation

Awarded: 2016

Summary: awarded to the Spatial Information Services Team For excellence in the field of Working Together signed by Greg Evans, Organisational Services, 6 September 2016

NASA Space Grant Fellowship

Awarded By: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

Awarded: 1994

Summary: 1 year fellowship - produced original research and NASA Fellowship Report: Landuse Change and Deforestation in the Puna District, Island of Hawaii: Using Remotely Sensed Data and GIS


Certified Practising Project Manager

Issuer: Australian Institute of Project Management AIPM

Completed: 2013



Fluency: Native Speaker


Remote Sensing
Project Management
Geographic Information Systems
Spatial Analysis
Environmental Policy
Spatial Databases
Environmental Science
Data Analysis
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Natural Resources
Environmental Awareness
Economic Development
Natural Resource Management
Environmental Consulting
Environmental Impact Assessment
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Stakeholder Engagement
Climate Change
Data Management
Water Resource Management
Water Resources
Data Collection

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