Resume Map - Ponciano da Costa de Jesus

Resume Map - Ponciano da Costa de Jesus


Ponciano da Costa de Jesus

Geology and Petroleum Engineering || GIS and Environmental Enthusiast || Youth CEO of G-SIG Timor-Leste || Final Year Student student in UNTL || GIS Tools for Climate Change & Environmental Issues ||

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +670 78714724

Location: Becora, Dili, Timor-Leste

Summary: Passionate about geoscience and geographic information systems, I'm Ponciano da Costa de Jesus, you can call me Ponsy. Currently pursuing my barcelhor degree in Geology and Petroleum Engineering at Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) as final year student and set to graduate beggining next year. I am as a CEO and founder of the Association of Geographic Information System Group, working as volunteer, I'm dedicated to strengthening and sharing geospatial information related to environmental risks, climate change, natural disasters, and natural resources in Timor-Leste. Beyond academics, I actively engage in extracurricular activities. In 2022, I joined Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific to promote the use of OpenStreetMap in Timor-Leste for disaster management and preparedness through open mapping and open data. I'm now an active mapper in Timor-Leste, focusing on data quality and validation. To further my mapping skills, I completed a six-month Open Mapping Guru program with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and a three-month Mentorship Program by Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific and HOT in 2023. I'm also a volunteer trainer of GIS Software, including ArcGIS, QGIS, Remote Sensing, OpenStreetMap, and other geoscience software with the Association G-SIG in Timor-Leste. My commitment to continuous improvement my language proficiency, I've been enhancing my English skills at the Lorosa'e English Language Institute (LELI) since April 2023. You can connect with me on various online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the username Ponsyano De Jesus. I believe in finding the quest that brings purpose to life and making a positive impact on the world. Let's connect and explore opportunities together.

Work Experience

G-SIG Timor-Leste

Position: Executive Director

Duration: 2 years 1 month

Location: Dili, Timor-Leste


Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Area of Study: Open mapping and open data for disaster management and preparedness

Study Type: Mentorship

Completed: 2023

Lorosa'e English Language Institute [LELI]

Area of Study: English

Study Type: Intermediate

Completed: 2024

Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific

Area of Study: OpenStreetMap Community Building

Study Type: Guru Program & Mentorship

Completed: 2023

Universidade Nacional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL)

Area of Study: Engineering Geology and Petroleum

Study Type: Barcelhor degree

Completed: 2023



Fluency: Native Speaker


Surfer 8
Graphic Design Principles
Knowledge Sharing
Computer Science
Teaching Reading
Field Work
Geological Mapping
Data Collection
Stakeholder Engagement
Report Writing
Data Mapping
GIS Software
Manajemen Proyek
Field Research
Public Speaking
Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster Management and Preparedness
Remote Sensing
Written Communication
Pelatihan & Mentoring
Kerja tim

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