Resume Map - Wayne Davis BSc, MSpScTech, MGCA

Resume Map - Wayne Davis BSc, MSpScTech, MGCA


Wayne Davis BSc, MSpScTech, MGCA

Spatial Data Scientist

Email: [email protected]

Location: Australia

Summary: I was recently employed as a Data Scientist with Catholic Schools NSW and have just completed a Master of Spatial Science Technology at USQ. My thesis involved a machine learning data science project and I have also completed a full-time immersive training course in data science at General Assembly, which lead me to the role with CSNSW. Previously, I was a Senior Systems Designer at the CBA for over 15 years but I was passionate about ecology and the environment all along. These feelings motivated me to take a career break and complete a BSc in Marine Science, which I enjoyed immensely. It was during these studies I developed a new interest in environmental GIS, which lead me to undertake post-graduate studies in Spatial Science Technology. I joined General Assembly's Data Science course because I've realised the potential machine learning and big-data has for GIS and ecology. Ever since childhood, I've loved nature and I feel driven to protect it. Now at this cross-road in my life, I hope to combine my passions and experience to continue my career in a new direction. I am now a qualified Data Scientist with 2 years of experience. I am confident and proud of my past and look forward to taking my next steps into the future. Indigenous Cultural Awareness - Digital Learning Partners Specialties: Spatial Science: Esri ArcGIS 10.7, Python, ArcPy, Mapinfo. Analytics: pandas, scikit-learn, Python, Jupyter Notebooks. Conferences attended: NVIDI AI Conference Sydney Sept 3-4 2018 Alteryx Inspire Sydney Feb 25-26 2020 Biodiversity Without Boundaries 2021 Virtual Conference Apr 26 - May 5 2021 Australian Government Baseline security clearance CSID 663395 (granted 2016) Australian citizen and eligible for UK right of abode. Willing to relocate.

Work Experience

Travers bushfire & ecology

Position: Geographic Information System Officer

Duration: 1 years 10 months

Summary: Completed mapping projects for ecology and bushfire planning using ArcGIS including Vegetation Management Plans, Bushfire Protection Assessments, Arboricultural Impact Assessments, Aboriginal Due Diligence Assessments. Write python scripts to automate workflows, data cleansing and improve efficiencies. Provided technical recommendations to aid in GIS process improvement. Used Python coding skills to generate bulk vector contour shapefiles from input raster elevation models (DEMs). The business benefit was a significant reduction in production workloads.

Location: Kariong, New South Wales, Australia

Lotsearch | Spatial Intelligence and Risk Mapping

Position: Spatial Data Analyst

Duration: 4 months

Summary: A number of different datasets, mapping and aerial imagery are packaged up to produce environmental risk reports. Used ArcGIS for geocoding, to georeference aerial imagery and digitise historical map features. Provided technical recommendations to aid in GIS process improvements, which included a proposal to use deep learning in Google Colab for topographic map feature recognition. The business benefit is for potential automation of historical map feature digitisation.

Location: Milsons Point


Position: Data Analyst - Strategic Data Analysis Unit

Duration: 1 month

Summary: Large-scale data tagging and cleansing project requiring attention to detail with a focus on producing high-quality and accurate work.

Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Position: Census Field Officer

Duration: 1 month

Summary: Visit households to follow up with residents who have not successfully completed their Census. Promote Census participation and answer questions from the public about Census.

Location: Gosford, New South Wales, Australia

Catholic Schools NSW

Position: Data Scientist

Duration: 2 years 3 months

Summary: Responsible for driving the data rigour and modelling using advanced analytics to discover insights, make predictions and generate recommendations from student data. In his role, I worked on projects that combined data science and GIS analysis skills. Some of the highlights were: • Produced ad-hoc customised demographics reports for Catholic schools. These reports included enrolment forecasting, spatial analysis of student residences as well as demographic attributes of the school catchment areas. MapInfo was used for geospatial analysis and to produce maps comparing demographics, spatial distribution of student residences and drivetime isochrones. Other tools used were MapMarker for geocoding student addresses, Alteryx for ETL and Tableau for visualisations. I interpreted results from complex models in terms that are understood and relevant to school principals. These reports were used by school principals to assist with decision making and planning for the next five years. • I used a machine learning approach to develop student enrolment forecasting using Python programming in Jupyter Notebooks and Azure Databricks, which was scaled up to build models for all NSW Catholic schools. This included Exponential Smoothing for use as a baseline, ARIMA naïve time-series as well as ARIMAX time-series using geospatial population data as an explanatory variable. Box-Jenkins methodology was applied for ARIMA/X modelling. This resulted in school enrolment forecasting for every Catholic School in NSW. • Developed a Modifiable Spatial Filter for every NSW Catholic School. The purpose of the MSF is to filter spatial population and enrolment data into aggregated segments of school catchment areas to achieve statistical power. This is then used as an explanatory variable in time-series modelling for improved accuracy. • Polynomial Regression ML modelling to estimate the cost to educate primary school students. • Decision Tree ML modelling of NDIS adjustments and outliers.

Location: Sydney, Australia

General Assembly

Position: Data Science Immersive Student

Duration: 3 months

Summary: Learned new skills relevant to the current data science market, including programming in Python using Jupyter Notebooks, machine learning libraries (Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, SKLearn, Matplotlib etc.), applying data science methodologies (Lasso, Ridge Regression etc.) to maximize prediction accuracy and pushing version updates to Github.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Ku-ring-gai Council

Position: Green Army Conservation Project Supervisor

Duration: 10 months

Summary: Bush regeneration in Ku-ring-gai Local Government Area to conserve critically Endangered Ecological Community. Reduce the competitive impact of invasive weed species, particularly Madeira vine, Balloon vine, asparagus fern and establish a long-term improvement in the quality, quantity and biodiversity of native habitat, through regeneration of important species. Other highlights: • flora and fauna surveys including Spiny Crayfish, invasive weeds, termite nests and habitat hollows • taking water quality measurements using a Yeo-Kal 615 • site preparation for planned hazard reduction burns • plant propagation • seed collection • scored 100% in an external compliance audit by Ernst & Young.

Location: Ku-Ring-Gai, New South Wales, Australia

Central Coast Council

Position: Green Army Conservation Project Supervisor

Duration: 6 months

Summary: This project assisted cleanup after the severe storms that impacted the NSW Central Coast. Working in partnership with local Landcare and Dunecare Groups to ensure that the coastal dunes at Avoca and Killcare, Putty Beaches recover from the storm damage, and are not overtaken by weed species. The project had a positive outcome for the local community, invasive weed removal, repair of fencing, dune system revegetation, and providing erosion control measures so as to build resilience of the dunes and dune habitat to future storm events. main skill: • sand dune restoration

Location: Gosford, New South Wales, Australia

NSW Department of Planning and Environment

Position: Green Army Conservation Project Supervisor - Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park

Duration: 5 months

Summary: Responsible for the safety, welfare, training and supervision of Green Army participants aged 17-24 on practical ecological restoration projects. The Green Army was a conservation programme set up by the Australian Government for young Australians to gain practical experience in conservation work. It delivered tangible benefits for the environment, such as regenerating parks, rejuvenating wetlands and rivers, restoring native vegetation and protecting animal habitats. I supervised four separate projects for National Parks and Wildlife Service (Forestville depot), Ku-ring-gai Council and Central Coast Council. Skills: • weed control • chemical handling • bushland habitat restoration • public access and infrastructure works (signage, trackwork, fencing) • erosion management • weed mapping • community engagement • shoreline revetment • indigenous cultural awareness • WHS training

Location: Forestville, New South Wales, Australia


Position: Website Administrator

Duration: 11 years 1 month

Summary: • Website Operations • Google Analytics • Javascript and HTML • Smarty web template system • Managed Google Adsense and Adwords Account • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Location: Australia

The Telecom Shop Australia

Position: Website Administrator

Duration: 5 months

Summary: • HTML • Website Operations / Magento • Managed eBay Account / Auctiva. • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). • Made a detailed proposal to automate competitor price checking. • Made a proposal for Facebook target audience marketing • Inventory and stock taking duties

Location: Erina

Electronic Data Systems

Position: Senior Information Specialist

Duration: 7 years 2 months

Summary: Senior CICS Cobol SQL Analyst / Programmer for an enterprise-scale application known as ASSIST. This was the CBA's branch and call centre Client-Server platform. • Liaised with business analysts to develop specifications meeting business requirements. • Experienced in all phases of the SDLC including preparation of program specifications, coding, unit and end–to–end testing. • Played key roles in the development of a high profile banking application (ASSIST), including analysis, coding and testing the HOST components of Funds Transfer, Passbook Savings Account Opening, Keycard Number Allocation, Term Deposit Interest Rate Retrieval and conversion of ASSIST to 24 hour online availability. Also redesigned and rewrote the device handler program for structured design and improved maintainability. • Two years experience as technical lead for ASSIST Production Support • Played key technical roles in the resolution of high severity production problems impacting on the Australia–wide branch network, telephone and internet banking systems. • Live support for the implementation of the Y2K and the CBA State Colonial Bank merger projects.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Position: Senior Systems Designer

Duration: 1 years 4 months

Summary: CICS Cobol SQL Analyst / Programmer for an enterprise-scale application. CBA IT transitioned to EDS in October 1997. See EDS above for combined EDS and CBA roles and responsibilities. SPECIAL AWARDS: • Incentive Scheme Award letter of recognition and reward from the Senior Manager Branch Systems, 1/10/1997 • “Beyond the Benchmark” letter of recognition and monetary reward from the General Manager Information Services, 21/6/1996 • Advanced Proficiency Supplement, Commonwealth Bank, Information Services, 3/2/1995 to 9/10/1997. • Quality Customer Service letter of recognition and reward from the General Manager Information Services, 9/11/1994.

Location: Sydney, Australia

Commonwealth Bank

Position: Analyst / Programmer

Duration: 6 years 10 months

Summary: CICS Systems Programmer updating CICS Control Tables in ATS (Application Technical Support). CICS Cobol SQL Analyst Programmer in Branch Automation Branch Systems, Business Solutions.

Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Commonwealth Bank

Position: Programmer Analyst Trainee

Duration: 3 months

Summary: CBA (Commonwealth Bank) in-house training for CICS COBOL programming.

Location: North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Position: Grade 1 Clerk

Duration: 5 years 2 months

Summary: Admin / clerical duties, Lead Teller, Customer Service, Arrears Officer, Internal Relief and Relieving OIC (Officer In Charge) / Sub-branch supervisor.

Location: Gosford, New South Wales, Australia

Commonwealth Bank

Position: Clerical Assistant

Duration: 2 years

Summary: Processed SWIFT international payments and telegraphic transfers.

Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


General Assembly

Area of Study: Data Science

Study Type: Intensive

Completed: 2018

University of Southern Queensland

Area of Study: Spatial Science Technology (Geographic Information Systems major)

Study Type: Master’s Degree

Completed: 2021


  • ENG8104 - Asset Management in an Engineering Environment
  • ENG8001 / ENG8414 - Engineering Research Methods and Project (thesis)
University of New England (AU)

Area of Study: GIS

Completed: 2016

National University of Malaysia

Area of Study: Sustainable Tropical Heritage

Study Type: Global Student Mobility Program

Completed: 2010

Area of Study: Animal Behaviour

Study Type: Cross-Institutional study

Completed: 2009

University of Newcastle

Area of Study: Marine Science

Study Type: Bachelor Of Science

Completed: 2010


  • EMGT3030 - Conservation Biology
  • MARI3320 - Ecological Methodology
  • MARI3330 - Fish & Fisheries
  • MARI3410 - Coral Reef Biology & Ecology
  • ZOOL326 - Animal Behaviour
  • MARI3300 - Estuarine Ecology
Charles Sturt University

Area of Study: microbiology, animal systematics, and plant taxonomy and systematics

Study Type: Single Subject Studies

Completed: 2004


  • BIO203 - Animal Systematics

Area of Study: (Applied Computing)

Study Type: Studies in Information Technology

Completed: 1999


  • ITC162 - Biomaths
  • ITC181 - Business Computing
  • ITC130 - Document Processing & Editing
  • ITC202 - Database Systems Management
TAFE NSW Higher Education

Area of Study: Computer Programming in ‘C’

Study Type: Statement Of Attainment

Completed: 1993


  • 2420B - C Programming I
  • 2420C - C Programming II
TAFE NSW Higher Education

Area of Study: Environmental Management

Study Type: Statement Of Attainment

Completed: 1993


  • 1324F - Basic Environmental Studies
TAFE NSW Higher Education

Area of Study: Data Processing Concepts

Completed: 1987


  • 3569A - Data Processing Concepts
Woy Woy High School

Area of Study: -

Study Type: HSC

Completed: 1982

Volunteer Experience

NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

Position: Volunteer for Glossy Black Cockatoo Surveys

Duration: 1 month

NSW Volunteer of the Year Award Nominee. Helping to establish the size and extent of the Glossy Black Cockatoo population across inland areas of NSW. The program was delivered by the NSW Government through a partnership between the Saving our Species Program and the Environmental Trust. Pilliga Forest, Pilliga National Park: Saturday 13 February 2021 Goonoo National Park: Saturday 20 February 2021

NSW Department of Primary Industries

Position: Research Assistant for Port Stephens Fisheries Institute

Duration: 1 month

Water quality measurements and seine net sampling for Eastern King Prawns.

University of Newcastle

Position: Research Assistant

Duration: 1 month

Sampling zooplankton (plankton net), fish communities (gill net) and taking water quality measurements at Empire Bay, Brisbane Water NSW.

Conservation Volunteers Australia

Position: Volunteer Bush Regenerator

Duration: 1 month

Old Oyster Farmers Land Habitat Restoration at Saratoga NSW. I worked as part of a team clearing invasive weeds to create habitat for the endangered Bush Stone Curlew. (70 hours)

Australian National University

Position: Research Assistant for Interaction of fire and fragmentation on reptiles in the Eyre Peninsula

Duration: 1 month

Field research assistant for "Interaction of fire and fragmentation on reptiles in the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia" study (86 hours). Developed skills included opening pit fall traps, checking traps daily, bagging animals, recording capture details, assisting with animal identification, collection of blood and tissue samples, toe clipping for marking purposes, releasing reptiles at their point of capture and data entry tasks. Provided suggestions that may help improve current processes such as the use of an alternative insecticide to help mitigate captured reptile losses to ant predation.

Forestry Corporation of NSW

Position: Volunteer for Friends of Strickland Forest

Duration: 2 years

Lantana removal and walking track construction.

Gosford City Council

Position: Research Assistant for Gosford Coastal Lagoons Processes Study

Duration: 1 month

Assisting Dr Peter Freewater in taking water and sediment samples for the Gosford Coastal Lagoons Processes Study 2010.

Macquarie University

Position: Research Assistant for Port Stephens Dolphin Research

Duration: 1 month

Participated in Port Stephens Dolphin Research as a field research assistant. "Abundance and spatial distribution of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Port Stephens, NSW Australia" project. Tasks included observation and recording of field data, fin identification, delicate equipment maintenance, data entry and file management. Once set tasks, he completed them every time, above standard, without a reminder. Repetitive daily tasks, such as detailed and delicate equipment maintenance, were completed thoroughly. Monotonous tasks such as data entry, fin identification, and file management were approached with discipline and consistency.

University of Newcastle

Position: Research Assistant monitoring of a threatened population of River Red Gums

Duration: 1 month

Assisted Dr Anita Chalmers in the monitoring of a threatened population of River Red Gums in the NSW Hunter Valley as a field research assistant. Mining site induction completed for this project.

National Parks Association of NSW Inc.

Position: Biodiversity Surveyer

Duration: 2 years

I participated in four separate biodiversity surveys with the National Parks Association (NPA) at Abercrombie River, Kings Waterhole (Wollemi National Park), Bargo River and Goonoo State Forest. I was mainly involved with the birds and reptiles surveys. The main objectives were to supplement and update existing biological data; to focus on specific locations or taxonomic groups; and to bring together scientists and volunteers interested in biodiversity conservation. The Abercrombie National Park was declared in 1996 and the NPA survey results were applied to produce a plan of management for the park.

The Scout Association of Australia (Scouts Australia)

Position: Venturer Leader

Duration: 5 years

Assisted young people aged 14-17 to achieve positive personal growth and practical skill development towards the achievement of their Queen's Scout Award, as well as participation, leading and instruction in high-risk activities in remote locations. Personal qualifications held were: • White water kayaking instructor, • Caving instructor, • Party Leader for alpine hiking, abseiling, canyoning and rock climbing activities.


NSW Volunteer of the Year Award Nominee

Awarded By: The Centre for Volunteering

Summary: Thank you to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. It was a nice surprise to be recognised for volunteering with them in the NSW Volunteer Awards. This was for playing a small role in the Glossy Black Cockatoos Surveys in the NSW Saving our Species program, which was something my wife and I enjoyed doing so much anyway. We are looking forward to getting out and doing more for threatened species.


AHCPMG301A: Control Weeds

Issuer: Smith & Georg

Completed: 2016

Up and Running with Python

Issuer: LinkedIn

Completed: 2016

Indigenous Cultural Awareness

Issuer: V Training

Completed: 2016

CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry

Issuer: Inscope Training Pty Ltd

Completed: 2015

The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

Issuer: Coursera Verified Certificates

Completed: 2014

R Programming

Issuer: Coursera Verified Certificates

Completed: 2014

GAIQ Google Analytics Individual Qualification

Issuer: Google

Completed: 2014

Web Application Architectures

Issuer: Coursera Verified Certificates

Completed: 2014

Open Water Diver

Issuer: Pro Dive Central Coast

Completed: 2007

NSW Driver Licence Class C

Issuer: RTA

Completed: 1983



Fluency: Native Speaker


Kwame Wetsi

Reference: Wayne is a consummate professional very talented, but also approachable and a delight to work with. Wayne has a clear understanding of technology and contributed to innovative solutions when we worked together. He was always ahead of everyone and distinguish himself with early technology platforms currently driving CBA Commsee and CORE banking solutions. Whoever recruits him has found a rare effective professional individual with commitment to delivering quality outcomes. Wayne also worked in Catholic Schools NSW as a Data Scientist.

Dr. Lloyd Peters

Reference: Wayne was a student in the Data Science course that I taught at General Assembly, which he successfully completed. He is an excellent python programmer. Since the course, he has had commercial experience for 2 years as a Data Scientist with Catholic Schools NSW. Prior to this, he was a Senior System Designer at Comm Bank for almost a decade. He is a great communicator who constantly adds to his skill-set, is a diligent worker and will be an asset to any organisation. In the Data Science Course, he successfully completed a Capstone project where he used machine learning to predict the habitat suitable for Piping Plovers - a passion of his. He combined data science with GIS software to convey meaningful insights of this Capstone project, which he has progressed further by answering additional questions since the course. This course was a intensive 12 week full-time (9am-5pm) course that taught all aspects of data science, ranging from exploratory data analysis, regression algorithms, classification algorithms, clustering algorithms, natural language processing, time series analysis and neural networks.

Trang Nguyen

Reference: I was study the summer course with Wayne in Malaysia. He is very friendly and have a great knowledge of marine mammals. He have a great heart for conservation!

Russell Farrell

Reference: Wayne Davis is a very experienced and capable Senior Systems Designer, I have known Wayne for some time and he always works hard and delivers the desired outcomes. He works well in a team, takes direction well but equally he is a self motivated and diligent worker.

HengChap Tee

Reference: Being Wayne Davis’s colleague and knowing him for nearly a decade; I was deeply enthused and remembered his amicable personality, trustworthy friendship, helpful and diligent attitudes. Needless to say, everyone who associated with him was overwhelmingly inspired. Technically, he possessed profound and enormous IT/computer knowledge and expertise, especially skillful in COBOL programming, CICS application programming and various IBM Mainframe environments. Not only he was expert in system designing and coding/programming, but he was also excellent in system troubleshooting, supports and maintenances. In fact, his works and services were quality, reliable and fast that often hit within deadlines. Additionally, his knowledge in IBM DB2/database and HTML/CSS and proficiency in other software applications, such as MS Office, will certainly rank him far more than expert and senior IT Specialist or Analyst/ Programmer. With his outstanding dedications, commitments and helpfulness, it is worth to share and recommend to anyone…

Ian Leal

Reference: I have worked previously with Wayne for a number of years in CBA Information Services and in EDS Australia and found him to be a very focussed, knowledgeable & reliable colleague. He works well in a team environment, he "gets the job done" and is willing to go the extra mile when necessary.

Trevor Dowse

Reference: I have worked with Wayne on a number of enterprise level applications and found Wayne to be an extremely competent and versatile mainframe CICS COBOL designer and developer

Arun V Kamath

Reference: I worked alongside Wayne in the Branch Delivery Systems department at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia in the early to mid-1990's where Wayne worked on Mainframe applications that interacted with front end applications that I was developing. I found Wayne to be thorough and painstaking in his work, never shy to put in the extra effort to make sure that his part of the project was delivered on time and was of high quality. Wayne was easy to work with, cooperative in spirit and most definitely a great asset to his team and to our department.

Glen Nugent

Reference: I worked with Wayne in ASSIST Application Development and found him to be a very diligent worker and a team player. His technical knowledge and application expertise was invaluable. His attention to detail and hard working attitude (both technically and professionally) made him a pleasure to work with. Given the chance again I'd definitely have Wayne on my team.

Ian RoBB

Reference: Wayne was a technical specialist for an online application that was key to a major financial organization. Wayne was always reliable, skilled and dedicated person who we could rely on to either assist or ensure that what needed to be done was done, with respect to his application.


Predictive Analytics
Spatial Data Science
Data Analytics
Microsoft Excel
Scientific Writing
Data Analysis
Animal Behavior
Marine Science
Requirements Analysis
Machine Learning
Business Intelligence (BI)
Time Series Analysis
Remote Sensing
Habitat Suitability Modelling
Deep Learning
Natural Resource Management
Species Distribution Modelling
Python (Programming Language)
Requirements Gathering
Data Collection
Field Work
Data Science
Software Development
Environmental Science
Business Analysis
Data Visualization
Environmental Awareness
Spatial Analysis

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